

Producer Image 1
City: Winnipeg, MB,
About Us
PegCity Fresh was started in the mud of 2022. PegCity Fresh's main reason for being is to provide an employment opportunity for women who are engaging in the work of building new lives -- they may not end up farming themselves, but the skills and teamwork learned will transfer anywhere, and having your hands in the earth around healthy plants surrounded by trees and birdsong is good for the heart.

In addition, providing vegetable to Winnipeg tables from within the Perimeter means you're serving your customers MUCH fresher produce than the longhaul trucks can bring in, substantially reducing your carbon footprint, and supporting some great human beings who may well be your neighbours someday soon!
Using the SPIN Farming template and human-scale labour, crops are grown in relay-style plantings, allowing for intensive production in a relatively small space (about 8000 sq ft).